Thursday 24 September 2015

Robert Holdstock - Mythago Wood & Lavondyss (1984, 1988)

This is late as I have been on holiday and then busy back at work, but my review of Robert Holdstock's two classics 'Mythago Wood' and 'Lavondyss' went up on Fantasy Faction. These books are firm favourites of mine, and I had been wanting to write something about them for a while, so I am thrilled that I got the chance to do so.


  1. Thanks for choosing these books! I am slightly biased (I am Rob's partner!) but I think these are very special books that draw the reader into Rob's extraordinarily imaginative world - and really alter one's view of the 'real' world as a result! Lavondyss is my favourite; and we are so fortunate that Rob 'completed' the mythago series before his death in the shape of Avilion - also a wonderful read!

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your comment! I was really pleased I was able to write about them as they are two of my favourite books. Robert Holdstock was a very special writer, I always find it very difficult to walk away from his books once I've finished them, and it's always a pleasure to revisit them.
